Large upright sand-stone, round top with a finial and small lower mantle shoulders. In / loving memory of / Capt. John CUTHBERTSON, / of Dartmouth, Devon, / who was lost through the wreck of / the ship *Mercurius* 25th March 1870, / aged 36 years. / And also of Edith Mary Emily (Cissie), / only daughter of the above / who died 13th June 1890, in her 21st year. / Also of Sarah, / relict of the late Capt. John R. BROWN, / and grandmother of Cissie, / who died 31st March 1894, / aged 72 years. / *Her children arise up and call her blessed.*
H 21 LOTT. (C.Q.343)
Large white stone, pointed top, stepped square shoulders, lying flat on its back. In loving memory of / Edward George LOTT, / born October 10th 1818, / died October 8th 1886. / Also / Mary Ann LOTT, / wife of the above, / born April 16th 1826, / died September 29th 1907. / Also / Frederick William, / second son of the above, / born 27th Sept. 1855, / died 16th July 1891. / Also / Lucy Jane, / third daughter of the above, / born 16th March 1860, / died 2nd Dec. 1919.
H 19 MORTON. (C.Q.341)
Large flat rectangular sand-stone. Tomb of W. MORTON. (William MORTON 79 years interred 13 January 1883.)
Large upright sand-stone, round top. In / affectionate remembrance of / Caroline Johanna / the loved & loving wife of / W. Richd WHATHAM, / of this city / who passed away 1st Jany 1910. / *Ichabod.* / Also of the above / W. Richard WHATHAM, / eldest son of the late / William and Mary WHATHAM / of this city, / who passed away 8th September 1913, / aged 67 years. / *Resting.* / Also of Mary Elizabeth WHATHAM, / (M. E. WINCHESTER, Authoress) / who died 4th November 1926, / aged 75 years. / And of Emily Alice WHATHAM, / who died 13th December 1926, / aged 73 aers. / Sisters of W. Richd WHATHAM. / Requiescant in pace.
H 16 WHATHAM, PARRY. (C.Q.338)
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top. In / loving remembrance of / William WHATHAM, / who died 18th Sept 1880, / aged 64 years. / The memory of the just is blessed. / Also of Mary, our dear mother / widow of Richard Mercer PARRY, / who died 6th Jany 1883, / aged 84 years. / He giveth His beloved sleep. / Also Mary Eliza, / widow of the above William WHATHAM, / and eldest daughter of the above / Mary PARRY, / who died 9th Novr 1904, / aged 83 years. / Father I would that those whom Thou hast / given me should be with me where I am. / Also of Annie Mercer, / eldest daughter of the above / Mary Eliza and William WHATHAM, / who died 30th August 1909. / Also of Frederick George, / their fifth son / who died at Sydney, N.S.W. / 13th November 1910.
H 15 ROBINSON. (C.Q.337)
Large upright pink marble, angled shoulders surmounted by a low Celtic cross. In / loving memory of / Arthur ROBINSON, / born 4th Feb. 1843, died at Cairo 27th Feb. 1887. / *There shall be no night there: for they need no / candle, neither light of the sun: for the Lord God giveth / them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.* / Also Walter George, his infant son, / born 9th July 1884, died 24th July 1884. / *He shall gather the lambs with His arm.* / Also of Frederick, his son, / born 5th June 1872, died 3rd November 1895. / *Being made perfect in a little while he fulfilled / long years. Wisdom, 4.13. / Also of Mary Susan, / wife of the above Arthur ROBINSON, / born 6th Oct. 1847, died 2nd Dec. 1922. / *Then are they glad because they are at rest. / And so He bringeth them unto the haven where they would be.* P.S. 107. v.30.
H 14 ROBINSON. (C.Q.336)
Large upright pink marble, angled shoulders surmounted by a low Celtic cross. In / loving memory of / Joseph Henry ROBINSON, / born 5. March 1836, / died 2. November 1890. / And of / Frances Clara, his wife, / born 28. May 1839, / died 26. January 1882. / *I am the resurrection and the life.*
H 13 GARNETT. (C.Q.335)
Medium upright sand-stone, arched top. To / the memory / of / Mary Jane GARNETT, / who died 4th Sept 1882, / aged 42 years.
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