Large upright sand-stone, round top. In loving memory / of / Jane, / the beloved wife of John DAVIES, / who departed this life 14th May 1882, / in the 62nd year of her age. / *Them also which sleep in Jesus / will God bring with him.* 1 Thess. IV.14. / Also John, / husband of the above / who died 12th January 1886, aged 76 years. / Also Elizabeth, / daughter-in-law of the above / who died 15th October 1916, aged 65 years. / *Until the day break and the shadows flee away.* / Also John DAVIES, / husband of above Elizabeth / who entered into rest 27th Feb. 1935, / aged 82 years. / *In Thy presence is fullness of joy.* / *Safe home.* / Also Mary Edith DAVIES, / died 22nd August 1949.
H 11 CHRISTIAN. (C.Q.333)
Large upright sand-stone, round top. In loving memory / of / Capt. George R. CHRISTIAN, / aged 42 years. / Who was drowned off Douglas Head, / through the foundering of his yacht, / on the 17th July 1882. / His body recovered 22nd Aug. in the Solway Firth. / Also / Florence Elizabeth CHRISTIAN, / niece of the above, who died 13th September 1887, / aged 19 years. / *Not lost but gone before.* / Also Elizabeth Margaret, / mother of the above / Florence Elizabeth CHRISTIAN, / who died 13th April 1899.
H 10 WARWICK, SHAW. (C.Q.332)
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top. In / loving memory of / James WARWICK, / who died 5th August 1887, / aged 75 years. / *Accepted in the beloved.* / Also of Margaret SHAW, / widow of Charles Wright SHAW, / of Douglas, Isle of Man, / who died 5th February 1911, / aged 84 years. / *So He giveth His beloved sleep.*
H 9 IRISH, CLARKE. (C.Q.331)
Large upright white stone, pointed top. In loving memory of / John William, / the eldest and dearly loved son of / Josias F. and Mary J. IRISH, / born 18th April 1875, died 20th February 1888. // Also Elizabeth CLARKE, / a dear friend of the family, / born 24th April 1852, died 31st January 1889. / *Until the day break and the shadows flee away.*
H 8 BIRD. (C.Q.330)
Large upright sand-stone Celtic cross on a tiered base. In memory of / William BIRD, / born 4th May 1845, / died 28th November 1891. / Georgina BIRD, / died 19th April 1923, / aged 88 years. // Also / Jessie / Woodward BIRD / died 19th February 1933.
H 7 YATES, GREEN. (C.Q.329)
Large upright rough caste stone, grey marble scroll façade. Sacred / to the memory of / Amelia Sophia, / devoted wife of W. T. YATES, / who died 23rd Aug. 1912, / aged 57 years. / *For her devotion we praise the Lord.* / Also of the above / William T. YATES, / who died 17th March 1929, / in his 69th year. / *The memory of the just is blessed.* / Also of / Jemma Elizabeth GREEN, / (sister of the above A. S. YATES) / who died 15th February 1929, / aged 75 years. / *Peace perfect peace.* / Also Thomas Percy, / son of the above A. S. & W. T. YATES, / died 3rd July 1942, aged 47 years.
H 6 HART, SMITH. (C.Q.328)
Large pink marble, pointed top with a finial, lying flat on its back. In loving memory / of / Charles HART, / second son of the late / Charles Goff HART, / who died 26th February 1895, / aged 63 years. / Also Hannah, / widow of the above / who died 17th January 1919, / aged 68 years. / Also Constance Mary SMITH / daughter of the above, / who died 23rd January 1915.
H 5 WILSON (C.Q.327)
Small upright white stone, curved top, small lower raised pointed shoulders, badly weathered. ??? / ??? .ON VD JP / ??? / ??? nt / ??? 9 / 1862 1929 / Also of Alan William / infant son of the above / born 10th July 1888 died 23rd July 1888 (George Adshead WILSON 65 years interred 8 May 1929 and lan William WILSON 13 days interred 25 July 1888.)
H 4 MARSHALL. (C.Q.326)
Three white stone tiers with a cross, top tier and cross propped up in front. In loving memory of / Jack and Harry, / who died in 1895, / dear children of W. B. & F. E. MARSHALL. / Also of William Burton, / their eldest son, / born 3. July 1880, died 29. Aug. 1930. / William Burton MARSHALL, / died 2. November 1931. // Claude Coltart, / their second son / died at Baghdad 4. Dec. 1922. / Florence Elizabeth, / wife of / William Burton MARSHALL, / born 14. May 1854, died 3. Oct 1940.
H 3 WHITE. (C.Q.325)
Small upright black marble, straight top, square shoulders, one raised. In loving memory of / George McCloed / WHITE / 22-12-1922 23-9-1984 / dear husband of Violet / devoted father / to his children / George Patrick Deborah / Phil and Mark
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