Small upright black marble, upward angled curved top, large flat frontage. In / loving memory of / Hedley Carl WATSON / dear son of Lloyd & Lorna / loving dad to Hedley & Benjie / died 17th July 1989, aged 26 / rest in peace
H 1 JONES. (C.Q.323)
Medium upright sand-stone, low pointed top. In loving memory of / Eric Fisher Garnock JONES / dearly beloved husband of Gladys / died 6th Feb. 1948 aged 70 years / mispah / also Gladys H. L. Garnock JONES / died 22nd July 1955 aged 70 years / and John Lawrence / their youngest son / died 12th Nov. 1955 aged 34 years
G 53 STUBBS, DUNCAN. (C.Q.417)
Large sand-stone sacrophagus, broken in many pieces and scattered about. I will ransom them from // the grave I will redeem them // from death // Sacred to the memory of / Anne Colquohoun, wife of James STUBBS, / and daughter of William DUNCAN, of Liverpool, died 10th March 1850. / Also the above named James STUBBS, died 23rd September 1862. / * ??? that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body.* // Margaret DUNCAN, / sister / of William DUNCAN, / died Novr 25th, 1859. // Elizabeth Jane / daughter / of William DUNCAN, / died Aug. 2nd 1830, / aged 5 years. // Sacred to the memory of Annie Colquhoun, / wife of William DUNCAN, died 28th January 1874. / Also the above William DUNCAN, / who died 14th May 1880, aged 89 years. // *The eternal God is thy refuge, / and underneath are the everlasting arms.* // *I will come again and receive you unto / myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.*
G 52 NEILL. (C.Q.416)
Large upright sand-stone, arched top, large flat frontage. In / memory of / Dr Hugh NEILL, / who died December 21st 1864, / aged 58 years. / And of his son / William Alexander NEILL, / who died 9th November 1896, / aged 62 years.
G 50/51 BRIGHT. (C.Q.414 & 415)
Large sarcophagus, grey marble top, pink marble sides, set on a white stone, large marked grave surround. In memory of / Richard BRIGHT Esq. / of Woolton Hill, / who died 29th October 1867, aged 49 years. / Also Caroline his wife, / who died 9th January 1887, aged 64 years. / *Thy will be done.* // Emily Maria, / wife of / R. F. BRIGHT Esq: / died 19th April 1872, / aged 30 years. / Also the above / Richard F. BRIGHT, / died 2nd September 1883, / aged 39 years. // Caroline BRIGHT, born 11th June 1848, died 10th March 1920. / Mary Elizabeth BRIGHT, born 17th February 1845, died 24th September 1921. / Daughters of Richard and Caroline BRIGHT. / Also Margaret, third daughter of Richard and Caroline BRIGHT, / died 6th December 1932. / Also Emily Mary BRIGHT, daughter of R. F. and Emily Maria BRIGHT, / passed on 6th December 1944. // Bertha BRIGHT, / daughter of / Richard and / Caroline BRIGHT, / born 14th May 1854, / died 24th December 1916.
G 48/49 VOSE, BELL, COOPER. (C.Q.412 & 413)
Large upright grey marble, round top. *Thy will be done.* / Here rest the remains of the following persons. / James VOSE, M.D, / first Professor of Anatomy in the / Liverpool Royal Institution, / a favorite pupil of Charles BELL, / and of Astley Paston COOPER, / died May 1844. / Eliza Sarah, his wife, died May 1865. / Elizabeth Frances, their daughter, / died April 1816. / Francis Frederick, their son, died July 1835. / James Richard White VOSE, their son, / Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, / died 7th November 1878. / Elizabeth, his wife, died 24th April 1898.
G 47 FORWOOD. (C.Q.411)
Small upright sand-stone, pointed top. Charlotte Sarah FORWOOD, / died Oct. 22nd 1885, / aged 72. / *Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.*
G 46 LOVE. (C.Q.410)
Large upright white stone, arched top. In remembrance / of / Robert LOVE, / who died August 12th 1868, / aged 48 years. / In his tongue was the law of kindness. / Also of / Hannah LOVE, widow of the above, / born 27th April 1821, / died 10th February 1904. / *I will lay me down in peace* and take my rest; / *for it is thou* Lord, only, that makest me* / *dwell in safety.*
G 44/45 CROSBIE. (C.Q.408 & 409)
Large upright sand-stone obelisk on a tiered base. *Their children arise up and call them blessed* / In loving memory / of the dear mother & father / Eliza & Robert Cochrane CROSBIE, / who were called home, Aug. 14. & Oct. 28. 1870. / This stone is erected / by their sorrowful yet rejoicing children. / *God shall wipe away all tears from / their eyes; and there shall be no / more death, neither sorrow nor crying, / neither shall their be any more pain.* / *O Lord our God, we give Thee thanks unfeigned / for our beloved who walk with Thee in white / e;en tho; our path below must now be shaded, / by heavy clouds that hide them from our sight.* // In ever loving memory / of our dear brother / the Rev. Howard Augustus CROSBIE, / only son of Robert Cochrane & Eliza CROSBIE, / who was called home suddenly April 22. 1918, / after fifty years faithful ministry. / Laid to rest at Lindfield, Sussex. / Thou didst guide him with Thy counsel, / and afterwards received him into glory.
G 42/43 MALCOLM. (C.Q.406 & 407)
Large upright sand-stone cross on a tiered base, one tier large, badly weathered. To / the memory / of / Sir James MALCOLM, Bart / of / Balbeadie and Grange, / born 11th April 1823, / died 8th June 1901. // In / memory / of / Helen, / relict of / James MALCOLM, Esq. / and mother / of / Sir James MALCOLM, Bart, / of / Balbeadie and Grange, / Fifeshire, / born 27th July 1791; / died at Liverpool 29th Dec. 1867. // Also of / Amelia, / daughter of / Sir John MALCOLM, Bart / born at Balbeadie / 9th November 1803, died at Liverpool / 5th November 1873. // In / memory / of / Jane MALCOLM, / born 12th Aug. 1819, / died 1st March 1895. / And / Catherine MALCOLM, / born 31st March 1825, / died 12th April 1901.
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