Four white stone tiers, missing cross, a large white stone plaque to the side, large marked grave surround. Giving thanks to God / for the dear / memory of / Mary Adeline BROCKLEBANK, / born 20th January 1868, / fell asleep 2nd May 1881. / Is it well with the child? / It is well. Plaque: Thomas BROCKLEBANK, / born 26th July 1841, / died 16th February 1919. / Of Wateringbury Place, Kent. / Late of the Roscote, Heswall. / The souls of the faithful / are in the hand of God. / Also his wife, Mary Petrena, / born 26th April 1849, / died 15th May 1937.
G 11/12 WATERHOUSE. (C.Q.375 & 376)
Large grey marble, pointed top, lying flat on its back, large marked grave surround. In / loving memory of / Rebecca, / widow of the late Nicholas WATERHOUSE, / who entered into her rest / on the morning of Christmas Day 1882, / in the 84th year of her age. / Thine eyes shall see the king / in his beauty. Isa XXX111. 17. / Also of / Nicholas WATERHOUSE, their son, / who departed this life 12th April 1888, / in the 61st year of his age. / *I heard the voice of Jesus say / come unto Me and rest.* / Also of / Margaret Ann WATERHOUSE, / eldest daughter of the above / Nicholas and Rebecca WATERHOUSE, / who departed this life on the 25th June 1901. / Her last words were / *I will fear no evil for thou art with me.* / Also of / Eliza WATERHOUSE, / daughter of the above, / who died on the 5th March 1906. / Also of / Rebecca WATERHOUSE, / daughter of the above, / who died on the 6th Novr 1906.
G 10 GRIFFIN. (C.Q.374)
Large upright sand-stone, round top, small lower square shoulders. In loving memory of / Henry Edwin GRIFFIN, / born April 29. 1817, / died September 9. 1882. / Also Alice, wife of the above, / born July 23. 1818, / died August 22. 1883.
Large upright grey marble, pointed top. *Thy will be done.* / In memoriam / Jane, / beloved wife of William GREEN, / who entered into rest 29th Dec. 1891, / aged 71 years. / Also William S. only son of the above, / died 2nd April 1864, aged 14 years. / Also John Edward, / dearly beloved husband of J. F. MIDGLEY, / and son-in-law of the above /
suddenly called home 23rd April 1892, / aged 49 years. / Also the above William GREEN, / who died 25th October 1898, / aged 75 years. / Also Jane Frances WOODHALL, / who died 22nd October 1935, / aged 84 years.
G 8 LYSTER. (C.Q.372)
Large upright white stone, pointed mantle top. In memoriam / Chaworth Edward LYSTER, / M.D.F.R.C.S.I. / born in Dublin March 15th 1835, / died in Liverpool, April 20th 1881, / aged 46. / Also Marion, wife of the above / died April 21st 1929. // Our hope set on the living God, / who is the saviour of all men. / 1. Tim. 4.10. / Erected by a number of friends to the memory / of Chaworth Edward LYSTER, as a mark of esteem.
G 7 BROWNE. (C.Q.371)
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top. To / the sweet memory / of / Athelstane Charles BROWNE, / whose / bright and beautiful little life / of eight years, / ended March 5. 1883. / To the great grief of his parents. / And of his sister / Lucinda Constance Ellen, / eldest child of / Edgar and Alice BROWNE, / born Jan. 26. 1868, died June 12. 1885. / And of / Muriel Alice Margaret, / sister of the above, / died Feb. 20. 1892, aged 15 years. / And of / Alice Dominica BROWNE, / mother of the above, / who died April 11th 1904, aged 63 years. / And of / Edgar Athelstane BROWNE, / died 27th June 1917, aged 75 years.
G 6 WILSON. (C.Q.370)
Four white stone tiers with a cross. In loving memory of / William Henry WILSON, / born 24th May 1843, died 2nd October 1883. / And Alice, his wife, died 2nd Jan. 1898. // And of / Robert Moon WILSON, / born 27th January 1866, died 7th October 1921.
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top. In memory / of / William GARDNER, / who died on the 29th day of Augt 1882, / in his 69th year. / Also of Maria MARSDEN, / daughter of the late / John Astley MARSDEN, / and sister-in-law of the above / who died 11th March 1885, / in his 60th year.
G 4 GLADSTONE. (C.Q.368)
Four white stone tiers with a cross. In loving memory of / Elizabeth, / widow of Robert GLADSTONE, Mossley Hill, / who died 22nd February 1912, aged 86 years. / *Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.* / Also of Elizabeth Ann GLADSTONE, their daughter, / who died 19th February 1947, aged 90 years. / *God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.*
Small upright heart shaped black marble and a plaque. In memory of / Joyce KARMELLHI / 23-11-1937 30-7-1989 / devoted wife, mum & grandmother / also husband of above / Eula KARMELLHI / Unice KARMELLHI / 22.3.1960 1.11.2004 / uncle you filled a big space / in my heart no one can / ever replace / love you always your / wife Jane & kids / forever in our / thoughts mum & dad Plaque: In loving / memory / of / Drajvon / HEADEY / born 09 01 2004 / died 02 03 2004 / always in our / thoughts / with love from / all your / loving family
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