Large rectangular grey marble tiered base, one large, broken cross lying nearby. In loving memory of / Alexander FRASER, / died 26. Nov. 1888, aged 82 years. / Also of his sons / James, / died 8. September 1905. / Robert, / died 25. March 1908.
Y 7 RAFFLES. (C.P.469)
Large thin upright rectangular white stone column on a tiered base surmounted by a Celtic cross. In cruce triumphans / Thomas / Stamford / RAFFLES, / born Sept. 18, / 1818. / Died Jan. 23. / 1891. / Also Maria, / wife of the above / born Nov. 13. 1829, / died July 9. 1913. // Also the ashes / of their daughters / Evelyn, June 25. 1856, March 25. 1947. / Constance Maria, Aug. 3. 1859, May 3. 1947. / Cremated Golders Green, April 1. and May 8. 1947.
Y 6 KELSALL. (C.P.470)
Large upright square pink marble column on a tiered base surmounted by a draped urn. In / loving memory of / Mary, / the beloved wife of / Joseph KELSALL, / who departed this life / June 30th 1889, / aged 49 years. / *Thy will be done.* / Also / to the memory of the above / Joseph KELSALL, / who departed this life / 26th December 1895, / aged 56 years. / *God giveth his beloved sleep.* / Also of Deborah Ann KELSALL, / eldest daughter of the above, / who departed this life / 5th Feby 1932, aged 66 years. // Also / Joseph James, / dearly loved husband of / Louise KELSALL / and eldest son of / J. and M. KELSALL, / who departed this life / March 31st 1941, / aged 73 years. / Also / Louise Elizabeth, / wife of the above / Joseph James KELSALL, / who departed this life / October 14th 1944, / aged 79 years. / Richard Joseph KELSALL / beloved son of above / 31. May 1900 – 25. Oct. 1984.
Y 2/3 HEALING. (C.P.473 & 474)
Large upright square grey marble column on a tiered base surmounted by a draped urn. In / affectionate memory / of / my beloved husband / William HEALING, / who departed this life 3rd March 1899, / aged 71 years. / A kind and ever faithful husband, / and a devoted father to his children. / Also / in loving memory / of / Mary HEALING, / the dearly beloved wife of the above, / who departed this life 1st June 1899, / aged 61 years. / Oh! lost too soon: Oh! loved too
well, / too dear for earth – farewell, farewell, / one soothing solace yet is given, / though lost on earth, she lives in heaven. / Also in loving memory of / Harry, the dearly beloved husband of / Mary Elizabeth HEALING, / and youngest son of the above, / who departed this life April 12th 1902, / aged 34 years. // In / affectionate remembrance / of / dear Willie, / the beloved son / of / William and Mary HEALING, / born 31st January 1859: / died 24th December 1870. / Also Martha Lyon HEALING, / who died 8th June 1873, / aged 10 years. / Sweet little flower thy bloom is fled, / and thou art numbered with the dead, / short was thy stay with us below, / and we were loth to let thee go.
X 18 WAKEHAM. (C.P.533)
Large upright square pink marble obelisk on a large tiered base. In / memory of / Arthur Lorne, / son of / Geo. P. and Elizabeth WAKEHAM, / who died 8th Jany 1883, / aged 4 years. / Also / Edith May, / beloved daughter of the above, / died 28th Octr 1884, / aged 17 years and 5 mos. // In / memory of / Samuel WAKEHAM, / died 12th March 1886, / aged 6 months. // In / affectionate memory of / my dear husband / George Parfitt WAKEHAM, / who died 16th May 1893, / aged 55 years. / Also / Elizabeth WAKEHAM, / widow of the above / born 8th January 1841, / died 14th January 1921.
X 17 WAKEHAM. (C.P.532)
Large grey marble, pointed top, lying flat on its back. In / loving remembrance / of / Samuel Cuming WAKEHAM, / who died 5th Oct. 1876, / aged 42 years. / Also Samuel Griffiths, / son of the above / died 16th April 1884, in his 19th
year. / *He giveth His beloved sleep.* / Also of Emma, / wife of the above S. C. WAKEHAM, / who died 11th Novr 1889, / aged 48 years.
X 15 KEHOE. (C.P.530)
Large upright octagonal sand-stone column on a tiered base surmounted by an urn. In / affectionate / remembrance / of / Martha KEHOE, / who departed / this life / September 10th 1857, / aged 62 years. / Also / Richard KEHOE / son of the above / who departed this life / 19th April 1865 / aged 38 years. / Also / Elizabeth, / wife of the above, / who fell asleep / 14th January 1899, / aged 65 years. / *The Lord is good unto them / that wait for Him, to the / soul that seeketh Him.* /
Also Martha KEHOE, eldest daughter of the above, / who died 20th Feb. 1929, aged 73 years. // Also / in memory of / James, son of / Richard KEHOE, / who departed this / life April 4th 1858, / aged 6 weeks.
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