J 35 SMITTON. (G.N.402)

Large upright white stone, pointed top. In / loving memory of / Catherine SMITTON, / died 7th January 1925, / in her 95th year. / Also her eldest son / Robert, / died 1858 in his 4th year. / Also her husband / John SMITTON, / died 1864, aged 46 years. / Interred in Penzance Cemetery / with their children James and Mary, / who died in their 2nd year 1862 and 1864. / *He giveth His beloved rest.*

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Large upright sand-stone, small round top, lowered curved shoulders. In memory / of / Thomas ELLIS, / of Harwarden, / who died August 7th 1860, / aged 38 years. / Also in memory of / Capt William JENKINS, / son in law of the above, / who died and was buried at sea 26th April 1875, / aged 40 years. / *Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou / knowest not what a day may bring forth.* / Also William WILLIAMS, / the beloved husband of the late / Mary WILLIAMS, / who departed this life 6th Dec. 1910, / aged 83 years. / *Life;s journey o;er.*

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J 33 WILLIAMS. (G.N.404)

Large sand-stone, arched top, small lower square mantle shoulders, lying flat on its back. In / loving remembrance of / Owen WILLIAMS, / who died October 19th 1858, / aged 54 years.

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J 32 EASTWOOD. (G.N.405)

Large upright sand-stone, small round top, lowered curved shoulders. In affectionate remembrance / of / Agnes, / the dearly loved wife of / William EASTWOOD, / who died 22nd February 1876, / aged 36 years. / *Redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.* / Also of the above William EASTWOOD, / who died 2nd January 1887, / aged 56. / *Though I walk through the valley of the / shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for / Thou art with me.* / Also of Harold Rodger, son of / William Hastings and Jeannie EASTWOOD, / born 16th November 1887, / died 27th December 1887. / *Safe in the arms of Jesus.* / Also Arthur, / second son of above / died 9th Jan. 1930.

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J Gap x 1.

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J 30 CAMERON. (G.N.407)

Large upright sand-stone, arched top. Sacred / to / the memory of / Alexander CAMERON, / late of Dundee, / who died November 17th 1858, / aged 74 years. / Also of Alexander, / son of John R. CAMERON, / of this town, / who died March 10th 1860, / aged 4 years and 6 months. / Also Helen Russell CAMERON, / who died 26th January 1865, / aged 4 years and 7 months. / And also of / Margaret Forbes Russell CAMERON, / who died 30th January 1872, / aged 18 years. / And was buried in the church-yard of / Kilmany, Fifeshire. / Daughters of the above / John R. CAMERON.

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Large sand-stone, round top, square shoulders, lying flat on its back. Sacred to the memory / of / Frances, / the beloved wife of / William McGUIRE, / who departed this life November 4th 1865, / aged 45 years. / Also the above Captain William McGUIRE, / who departed this life September 29th 1867, / aged 43 years. / Also William Henry, son of the above / who departed this life September 29th 1867, / aged 15 years. / Both lost in a gale off Calingapatam, India. / Also of Joseph Rosevear, son of the above / who died November 20th 1872, aged 18 years. / Also Frances Edith MAINWARING, / who died 19th March 1887, / aged 23 months. / Also Emily MAINWARING, / who died 9th August 1887, aged 1 week. / Also Fanny, their mother, / and the beloved wife of Samuel John MAINWARING, / who fell asleep in Jesus 18th March 1888, / aged 28 years. / In memory of our darling baby / Cyril M. PAYNE, / who died Sept 3rd 1902, aged 6 months.

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J 28 WILSON. (G.N.409)

Large grey marble obelisk on a tiered base, obelisk broken and lying nearby, large frontage. Erected by / William and Jane WILSON, / in affectionate remembrance / of their children / Agnes, / who died June 7th 1859, / aged 16 months. / Also of Agnes Jane, / who died Decr 29th 1864, / aged 4 years and 6 months. / Also the above Jane WILSON / who died January 16th 1869 / aged 50 years / *She was-but words are wanting to say what; / think what a wife should be and she was that.* / Also the above William WILSON, / born 22nd July 1816, / died 28th June 1903.

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J Gap? x 1.

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J 26 DUGIT. (G.N.411)

Large upright sand-stone, small round top, rounded shoulders. In affectionate remembrance of / Mary Anne DUGIT, / born 10th October 1824, / died 19th July 1874.

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