Large white stone, round top, lying broken and flat on its face.
(George Cullen CARSTAIRS 8 years interred 7 Sept. 1864 and Arthur STODDARD 30 years interred 30 Oct. 1876.)

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J 3 GRIFFITHS. (G.N.435)

Large sand-stone obelisk on a tiered base, top and obelisk lying broken nearby. Sacred to the memory / of / Thomas GRIFFITHS, / who departed this life 29th May 1866, / aged 41 years. / He was a most devoted husband, / and a faithful friend. / For 24 years he was a very acceptable / Local Preacher in the / Methodist New Connexion; / and for 15 years held a responsible situation in / the firm of Messrs Fraser, Trenholme & Co. / In high appreciation of his excellencies and virtues. / This stone is erected by a few of / his attached friends. / From our Zion;s lofty walls, / see, another champion falls! / Long he walked around her towers, / watching all opposing powers; / marked her bulwarks well, and stood / at his post, desert who would? / The victory;s won! He drops his sword, / but at the bidding of his Lord. / *The dead in Christ shall rise first.*

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J 2 DUFF. (G.N.436)

Large sand-stone, small round top, lower curved shoulders, lying flat on its back. In loving memory of / Mary DUFF, / who departed this life 1st January 1903, / aged 68 years.

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J 1 BOYD. (G.N.437)

Large upright sand-stone, curved top. Here is interred the body / of / Mary Pringle, / wife of Thomas BOYD, / Merchant Liverpool, / born May 7th 1795, / died February 4th 1859. / Exemplary in every relation of this life. / Eminently affectionate and devoted, / as a wife and a mother. / Zealous in all works of benevolence, / and clear in Christian faith. / Sorrowing relatives and friends / lamenting the loss to themselves, / have assurance that to her death was gain. / Also of the above Thomas BOYD, / born 7th May 1790, died Decer 21st 1867, / *Perfect in Christ Jesus.* / Also of Frances William Dow BOYD, / youngest daughter of the above, / born 16th December 1834, died 27th June 1904. / Also Jane, daughter of above, / died 23rd June 1909, aged 80 years.

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I Gaps x 2.

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I 39 WHYTE, TURNER. (G.N.384)

Large upright sand-stone, pointed top, stepped square shoulders. In / loving memory / of / Neil WHYTE, / died 7th Augt 1866, / aged 43 years. / Also of his wife Margaret, / died 19th Sept 1868, aged 39 years. / Also of their daughter Agnes, / died 25th April 1869, aged 10 years. / Also of Agnes TURNER, / aunt of the above Margaret WHYTE, / died 4th Sept 1866, aged 80 years.

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Large upright grey marble obelisk on a tiered base. Sacred / to the memory of / Sibella Mackenzie, / relict of / Lieut William RYRIE R.M. / who departed this life / December 8th 1866, / aged 67 years. / Margaret, / widow of William Rodie GREAVES, / died 21st December 1891, aged 68 years. / Joseph, / second son of the above / Margaret and William Rodie GREAVES, / died 18th November 1935, aged 78 years.

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I 37 STRATULI. (G.N.381)

Large white stone, round top, lying flat on its back. In memory / of / John STRATULI, / Greek gentleman, / born in
St Maura died 16 Xber 1866, / aged 83 years. / The brother (Archim. of the Greek Church / and family / Token of love and respect.

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I Gap x 1.

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I 35 PSICHA. (G.N.379)

Large upright pink marble column on a tiered base missing its top, part Greek inscription. …(Greek)… / George PSICHA, / born 14. April 1861, / died 13. May 1870.

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