Large sand-stone, arched top, lying flat on its face.
L 6 JONES. (G.G.451)
Large upright square grey marble column on a tiered base, surmounted by a draped urn. In / loving memory of / the Rev. Thomas Jerman JONES / who was for 20 years, an energetic and / successful missionary, in connection / with the Welsh Calvanistic Methodist / Mission. In the Khasia Hills, Assam. / Died 14th April 1890, off Dungeness, / on his return home, / aged 56 years. / *Well done, good and faithful servant.* / *Blessed are the dead which die in the / Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the spirit, / that they may rest from their labours: / for their works follow them.* // In loving memory of / Sarah Eleanor, / widow of the / Rev. Thomas Jerman JONES, / who fell asleep in Jesus / 27th October 1921, / *Thou wilt keep him in perfect / peace, whose mind is stayed on / thee: because he trusteth in the.* / Isaiah XXVI.3. / Also Margaret Louisa JONES, / sister of the above, / who fell asleep in Jesus / 13th January 1925. / *For so He giveth His beloved sleep.*
L 4 WISHART. (G.G.454)
Large grey marble, pointed top, square shoulders, lying flat. To the dear memory / of / Margaret C. Dunnet, / beloved wife of / James WISHART, / who fell asleep 2. Jan. 1893, / aged 71 years. / And of Katie, / who died 19. Feb. 1867, / aged 3½ years. / Also of the Rev. James WISHART M.A. / the first Pastor of Toxteth Park / Congregational Church, / who entered into rest 19. Oct. 1904, / aged 82 years. / *Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord / yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest / from their labours, / and their works / do follow them.*
L 3 WILLIAMS. (G.G.455)
Large sand-stone, round top, lying angled flat on its face. In memory of / Martha, / the beloved wife of / Benjamin WILLIAMS, / Huyton Park, / died March 31st 1867, / aged 56 years. / Also Bessie, / the beloved sister of the above / died May 25th 1877, / aged 50 years.
Large upright sand-stone, small round top, lower stepped curved shoulders. In / memory / of / Philip Henry, / son of the Revd Edward GILES, / of Huyton, / born December 29th 1836, / died March 8th 1858. / Not lost but gone before. / Also Edward, eldest son of the above, / who died at Huyton, April 8th 1863, / aged 33 years. / *Them also which sleep in Jesus, / will God bring with Him.* / Also Sarah LONSDALE, aunt of the above / who died at Huyton May 22nd 1865, / aged 55 years. / Also Edward GILES, / father of the above children / who died at Huyton, Octr 19th 1866, / aged 65 years. / *Faithful unto death.*
K 33 MORTON. (G.G.383)
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top. In memory of / David MORTON, / died 25. May 1878, aged 64 years. / Also of / Catherine Jane, wife of above, / died 18. May 1891, aged 65 years. / Frederick James, son, died 30. Dec. 1857, aged 17 months. / John Alexander, died 9. Jan. 1858, aged 3 years. / Kate, died 26. May 1867, aged 13 months. / Howard, died 30. Jan. 1882, aged 22 years. / William, died at Scarborough, / and / Charles, drowned at Pernambuco.
K 32 BARKER. (G.G.384)
Large grey marble, larger pointed top, lying broken and flat on its back. This stone / was erected by the / swimmers of Liverpool and District / to the memory of / George Henry BARKER, / late of / 16. Sandon Street, Liverpool, / Honorary Secretary / of the / Northern Counties / Amateur Swimming Association / as a mark of their appreciation / of his valuable services. / Died 10th June 1895, / aged 47 years. / Also of Emily Clark, / beloved wife of the above, / who died 1st May 1878, aged 24 years. / And Harold Kingston, their son, / who died 7th May 1879, aged 2 years.
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