Large upright square grey marble obelisk on a tiered base. In memory of / William ADAMSON, / born in Dumfries, July 16. 1834, / died at Sunny Side, Princes Park, / Sept. 5. 1911. / Jessie ADAMSON, / wife of the above / born December 3. 1837, / died at Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, / June 11. 1930. / Marion Helen ADAMSON, / died at Sunny Side, Princes Park, / on the 6th November 1869, / aged 11 months and 11 days. / Annie Margaret ADAMSON, / born 16th January 1867, / died at Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, / 24th December 1937.
K 4 HODGSON. (G.G.412)
Large upright sand-stone cross on a large square tiered base, weathered face. *His servants shall serve him: / and they shall see his face.* / In memoriam / Annie HODGSON, / aged 19 years, / died May 21st 1866. / Eliza HODGSON, / aged 55 years, / died January ?? 1872. / Samuel HODGSON, / aged 77 years, / died May 18th 1891.
K 3 SHARPE, DIXON. (G.G.413)
Large pink marble, lying flat on its back under the turf. In / memory of / Lydia SHARPE, / who died June 9th 1860, / aged 71 years. / There shall be no more sorrow / the former things are passed away. / Also William Rhodes SHARPE, / second son of the above, / who died December 12th 1868, / aged 44 years. / Also Mrs W. DIXON, / daughter of the above, / who died 20th 1883. / (Rest in the Lord(
K 2 JONES. (G.G.414)
Large upright white stone, arched top. In memory / of / Isabella Mackenzie JONES, / daughter of / Isaac Oliver and Isabella JONES, / who died 12. April 1860, / aged 6 years. / And of the above / Isabella, / the beloved wife of / Isaac Oliver JONES, / who fell asleep 21. March 1895. / *Perfect love casteth out fear.* / Also in / most loving memory of the above / Isaac Oliver JONES, / of Liverpool, Solicitor, / who was born 13. October 1811, / and fell asleep
17. September 1896. / *Him that cometh to me, / I will in no wise cast out.* / And in loving memory of / Margaret Ada JONES, / daughter of the above Isaac Oliver and Isabella JONES, / who died at Edinburgh. On 26th June 1907. / *Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God.* / *In whom we have redemption through his blood, the / forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.*
K 1B BELL. (G.G.415)
Large upright square grey marble column on a tiered base, surmounted by a draped urn. Sacred / to the memory / of / Thomas BELL, / of Springcroft, Aigburth, / born 25th February 1797, / died 6th May 1876. / *I will that they also, whom thou hast / given me, be with me where I am; that / they may behold my glory.* // In / affectionate remembrance / of / Maggie, / wife of George M. BELL, / born in Buenos Aires, 25th Decr 1845, / died 2nd Feby 1874. // In / memory / of / W. H. BELL, / died 3rd April 1936, / in his 79th year.
K 1A BELL. (G.G.415)
Large upright square grey marble column on a tiered base, surmounted by an urn. Sacred / to the memory of / Betsy, / the beloved daughter of / George and Isabella BELL, / who departed this life / July 22nd 1859, aged 15 years. / *If we believe that Jesus died / and rose again, even so them / also which sleep in Jesus will / God bring with Him.* / Also /
Arthur B. / son of the above / who departed this life / December 13th 1859, / aged 5 months. / *Suffer the little children to come / unto me and forbid them not for / of such is the kingdom of God.* // In / loving remembrance of / George BELL, / Brooklands, Aigburth, / who died 9th March 1879, / at Buenos Ayres, aged 76 years. / And was interred there. / Also / Isabella Watson BELL, / widow of the above, / who died 24th December 1907, / at Brooklands, Aigburth, / in her 90th year. / *Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God.*
J 16 BLACK, LOGAN. (G.G.358)
Small upright white stone, straight top, square shoulders and a large plaque. In loving memory of / John BLACK, / who died 10th June 1923, aged 72 years. / *The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.*
Plaque: Elizabeth Williamson LOGAN, / beloved wife of J. R. LOGAN, M.B. / and sister of John BLACK, / died 7th March 1939, aged 76 years. / Kindest and most unselfish of women. / John Robert LOGAN, M.B. / husband of above, / died 3rd September 1944, aged 87 years. / A loving and beloved father.
J 15 MacPHAIL. (G.G.359)
Single grey stone rough-caste tier with a Celtic cross. Beatrice Whyte / March 2, 1894 / Frederick James / April 6. 1908
J 14 SMITH, AYLWIN. (G.G.360)
Large grey marble, pointed top, square shoulders, broken and propped up. In memory / of / Mary Jane, / wife of / William Arnot SMITH, / who died 29th Decr 1896, / aged 65 years. / Also of the above named / William Arnot SMITH, / who died 1st Decr 1909, / aged 85 years. / Also Mary Edith AYLWIN, / daughter of the above / Mary Jane SMITH, / died 11th March 1936.
J 13 JONES. (G.G.361)
Large upright grey marble, pointed top with a finial, small square shoulders, broken and propped up. In / loving memory of / (Richie,) / Richard Lloyd / youngest & dearly loved son of / John & Lillie Rigby-JONES, / who died 2nd March 1902, / aged 9 years. / Jesus called a little child unto Him / and of the above / John Rigby-JONES, / who died at Ormskirk / Easter Morn 1926, / aged 80 years. / *Not slothful in business; fervent / in spirit; serving the Lord.* / Also his wife / Sarah Elizabeth, / who entered into rest / 9th November 1940, / aged 89 years. / Also / their younger daughter / Frieda Marion / who died 7th Dec. 1989, / aged 100 years.
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