Large upright grey marble oberlisk on a tiered base, sides heavily overgrown. In / loving remembrance / of / Caroline Weir, / the beloved wife / of / James Watson BELL, / born 24th Augt 1849, died 13th Feby 1881. / *Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God.* / Maggie Isabella, / only daughter of / James Watson BELL, / who died 28th October 1888, / aged 23 years. / James Watson BELL, / born 21st June 1839, / died 6th February 1917, / aged 77 years.
I 40 MacALISTER. (G.G.355)
Large grey marble, pointed top, overgrown. In memory of / Donald MacALISTER / born at Glenralluch Argyll / 1 February 1825 / died at Liverpool / 11 August 1881 / *Them also that are fallen asleep in Jesus / will God bring with Him / and of his son Angus, / who died at Detroit, 25. December 1893, / aged 35 years. / Also of Euphemia Kennedy / wife of Donald MacALISTER / who died 30. April 1905 at Oxton / aged 78 years.
I 38/39 CRAIG, BIGGAR, PEARCE, McCONVILLE. (G.G.353 & 354)
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top. In / affectionate remembrance of / Peter CRAIG, / who departed this life 27th June 1883, / aged 25 years. / *He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, / He leadeth me beside the still waters.* / Also / James Murray BIGGAR, / uncle to the above, / who departed this life 2nd July 1883, aged 41 years. / Deeply regretted. / Also / Agnes Murray, / mother of the above James Murray BIGGAR, / who departed this life 31st January 1888, / aged 77 years. / Also / John Murray BIGGAR, / son of the above, who died 12th February 1898, / aged 52 years. / Also / John Murray BIGGAR, / son of the above, who died 10th January 1900, / aged 26 years. / Also / Ephraim PEARCE, / who died 10th February 1903, / aged 69 years. / Also / his wife Mary Ann PEARCE, / who died 9th November 1904, / aged 76 years. / Also Agnes Murray BIGGAR, / daughter of above, who died 16th April 1902, aged 24 years. / Deeply regretted. / Mary Maxwell, daughter of J. M. BIGGAR, died 29th Sep. 1908, aged 24 years. / Isabella McCONVILLE, niece of J. M. BIGGAR, died 11th April 1909, aged 19 years.
I 37 McFEE. (G.G.352)
Large upright grey marble, larger pointed top, small raised shoulders. Sacred to the memory of / John McFEE, / elder son of the late Capt John McFEE, / of Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Scotland, / born at Saltcoats, 8th April 1825, / died in Liverpool, 1st February 1887, / aged 61 years. / And for forty three years a faithful Clerk / to the firms of Messrs E. Z. Wilchenbart & Co. / and Lemonius & Co. of this city.
I 36 HALKET. (G.G.351)
Large upright grey marble, pointed top, square shoulders. In loving memory of / Helen Orme Hamilton. / Wife of the Rev. A. M. HALKET. / And of / Henrietta. / Daughter of the late Henry HALKET. / Who fell asleep in Jesus /
31. October and 11. December 1887. / And also of the above / Rev. A. MacDonald HALKET. / Who entered into rest / 22. June 1903. / Also of / Margaret Macara HALKET. / Only child of the above. / Who departed this life /
11. September 1911.
I 34/35 DAVIES. (G.G.349 & 350)
Large thin upright sand-stone Celtic cross on a tiered base. In loving / memory of / Elizabeth, / (Lizzie,) / beloved wife of / David DAVIES, / who died at / Llandrindod / Wells, / 5. Aug. 1890, / aged 47 years. / Thou shall guide me with Thy counsel / and afterward receive me to glory. / Also of the above / David DAVIES, / born 14th December 1839, / died 15th November 1906. // In loving memory of / Ewart Wynne, / only son of / Elizabeth and David DAVIES, / died 17th February 1916, aged 47 years.
I 33 SUTHERLAND. (G.G.348)
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top, small stepped square shoulders, surmounted by a small Celtic cross. Sacred / to / the memory of / George M. SUTHERLAND, / who died 29th Jany. 1879, / in his 70th year. / His end was peace. / Also Margaret, relict of the above, / who died 22nd July 1881, / aged 64 years. / Asleep in Jesus. / Also George, eldest son of the above, / who died 19th October 1888, / aged 35 years. / Also William Coubrough, youngest son of the above, / who died 11th January 1897, / aged 40 years.
I 32 ELLIOT. (G.G.347)
Two white stone edge stones. Jane ELLIOT, / died 22nd January 1892, aged 59 years. // Henry Falcon ELLIOT, / died 20th April 1908, aged 46 years.
I 31 HAMILTON. (G.G.346)
Large upright grey marble obelisk on a tiered base. In / memory of / Robert HAMILTON, / born 22nd Febry 1801, died 15th Decr 1872. / Also / Mary, wife of the above / born 14th May 1819, / died 22nd March 1883. // In memory / of / Thomas, / second son of Robt HAMILTON, / born 2nd June 1842, died 12th Sept 1866. // In memory / of / Robert, / third
son of Robt HAMILTON, / born 9th Decr 1846, died – 1866. / In loving memory of / John, / fourth son of Robt HAMILTON, / born 11th Sept 1849, died 8th Oct. 1889.
I 29/30 PHILLIPS, RHODES. (G.G.344 & 345)
Large upright square pink marble column on a tiered base, surmounted by a cross. In / loving remembrance of / John PHILLIPS, / born in the Parish of Llangan, Glamorganshire, / died at / 20. Prince;s Road, Liverpool, 27th May 1890, / aged 76 years. / Also Margaret Eills, / wife of the above, who died 1st August 1860, / aged 21 years. / And was interred in St James;s Cemetery. / Also of their daughter / Margaret Catherine, / the beloved wife of George Wood RHODES, / who died 12th February 1915, aged 54 years. / *To live again in hearts we leave / behind is surely not to die.* / *Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God.*
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