Small upright black marble, curved top. In loving memory / of / Eve FITZSIMONS / born 28th Sept. 1946, / died 13th March 1994. / Missed by loving sons / Marc, Desi, grandchildren Louis / and Metea. / You;re always in our hearts.
G 11 OWENS. (G.G.249)
Small upright white stone, straight top, lower square shoulders, angled white stone face. In loving memory of / Elizabeth Jane OWENS M.A. / daughter of the late / Benjamin Johnson and Hannah OWENS, / passed into glory 27th August 1935. / *Fear thou not, for I am with thee,* Isaiah XL1 10. / *The eternal God is thy refuge and / underneath are the everlasting arms.*
G 8/9 STORY. (G.G.246 & 247)
Large upright square pink marble column on a tiered base. In / loving memory / of / Joseph Robert STORY / born U.S.A. May 15. 1849, / died / England, April 17. 1911. / Until(the(day(break, / and(the(shadows(flee(away / Erected(by( his(sister. // In / loving memory / of / John STORY / born 14. November 1842 / died in active service / during the / American Civil War / 15. October 1864. / Interred in U.S.A. / *To(live(in(hearts(we(leave(behind(is(not(to(die.* // In / loving memory / of / Robert STORY / born 1812, died 1892. / Also Rebecca, his wife, / born 1815, died 1873. / No( cross(no crown // In / memory / of / Maria STORY / sister of / Joseph Robert STORY / born U.S.A. 31. Oct. 1846 / died / London. 18. Oct. 1924. / *Thy will be done.*
G 7 ANDERSON. (G.G.245)
Large grey marble, pointed top, square shoulders, lying flat on its back. In loving memory of / John ANDERSON, / who died 13th October 1906, / aged 73 years. / And of his wife / Eliza, / who died 24th January 1929, / aged 87 years.
G 4 ROBINSON. (G.G.242)
Large grey stone, pointed top, lying flat on its face. (Matthew Charles ROBINSON 73 years interred 3 August 1905.)
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