Large upright square grey marble column on a tiered base, large frontage. In / loving memory of / Hugh JONES, / 102 Kingsley Road / of this city, / who died 19th March 1905 / aged 65 years. / Also Anne, / beloved wife of the above / who died 19th November 1918 / aged 74 years.
G 2 KIRKUS. (G.G.240)
Large upright white stone, pointed top. In loving memory of / William Miller KIRKUS, / who died December 18th 1919, / in his 70th year. / Also of / Cuthbert Hayward KIRKUS, / son of the above / Captain. 283 Siege Battery R.G.A., / who fell before Wytshaete July 31st 1917 / and was buried / in Kemmel Chateau Cemetery, / aged 37. / Also of Louisa, / beloved wife of the above / William Miller KIRKUS. / who died August 15th 1937, / in her 84th year.
G 1 HUGHES. (G.G.239)
Large upright white stone, straight mantle top. In / loving memory of / John HUGHES, / 8. Croxteth Grove, Liverpool, / who departed this life 15th December 1921, / aged 61 years. / *Precious in the sight of the Lord is / the death of His saints.* Psalm 116. v.15. / Also of John Trevor HUGHES, / only son of the above, / who departed this life 3rd December 1933, / aged 30 years. / Also of Anne Ellen / wife of the above John HUGHES / who departed this life 22nd March 1964 / aged 93 years.
F 42 CASTILLO (G.G.238)
Small white stone flower pot. In memory of / ;bye bye; / CASTILLO / 24(1(1995
F 41 HOWELL, JONES. (G.G.237)
Large upright white stone, arched top. In loving memory / of / Ellen HOWELL, / of Oswestry, / who fell asleep 27th January 1914. / She entered the service of / Isaac Oliver and Isabella JONES, / 23rd March 1861, / and remained with their family / a faithful servant and friend / for the rest of her life. / *The Comforter be always with thee / good Christian.* / Also / in most loving memory of / Sarah Emily JONES, / daughter of the late / Isaac Oliver and Isabella JONES, / born 31st Oct. 1855, died 17th Aug. 1945. / *Blessed are the pure in heart / for they shall see God.* / Also / in most loving memory of / Dr Harriet Mackenzie JONES, / youngest daughter of the late / Isaac Oliver and Isabella JONES, / born 7th October 1860, died 4th May 1949. / *And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.*
F 40 OWEN. (G.G.236)
Small upright white stone, straight top, square shoulders, rounded scroll effect face. In cherished remembrance of / our beloved mother / Mary OWEN, / who fell asleep 9th July 1922, aged 57 years. / And of our dear father / Richard Aneurin OWEN, / of *Minavon* Berkley St. / entered into rest 11th October 1926, aged 65 years. / Also of their daughter / Sallie, / who died 10th July 1939, aged 46 years.
F 39 HUGHES. (G.G.235)
Medium upright stone, straight top, lower angled shoulders, scroll façade. In loving memory of / Margaret Hannah, / the devoted wife of / Joseph HUGHES, / who fell asleep 17th December 1928 / aged 68 years. / Also the above / Joseph HUGHES, / who fell asleep 26th October 1939 / aged 72 years.
F 36 SMITH. (G.G.232)
Large upright mottled grey marble, curved top. In loving memory of / our dear father and grandad / Robert Sayon SMITH / 18.9.1910 – 14.8.1993. / Always in our hearts.
F 35 TAYLOR. (G.G.231)
Small upright black marble, curved top. In loving / memory of / Isabella TAYLOR / 1915 – 1994. / Beloved daughter of / Annie and Arthur TAYLOR / dear sister to Robert. // R.I.P
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