Large upright square sand-stone column on a tiered base, surmounted by an urn. In memory of / Thomas Heslop / STITT, / who departed this life / 12th Feby 1859, / aged 35 years. / Also of / James STITT, / father of the above, / who departed this life / 10th June 1860, / aged 68 years. // In memory of / James STITT, / who departed this life / 3rd June 1837, / in the 19th year of his age. / Also of / Martha Forshaw, / the wife of / Thomas Heslop STITT / who departed this life / 13th June 1854, / in the 28th year of her age. / Also of / Margaret Heslop, / the beloved wife of / James STITT, /
who departed this life / 17th Septr 1854, / in the 65th year of her age. // In memory of / John Arthur, / son of / John J. and Mary E. STITT, / who died 7th May 1857, / aged 7 months. / Also John Watson, their son, / who died on the 6th June 1873, / in his 6th year. / Also Francis Joseph, their son, / who died on the 9th June 1873, / in his 10th year. / *The Good Shepherd gathers the / lambs with his arms and carries / them in his bosom.* // All interred / in the Necropolis.
V 5 STITT. (G.F.9)
Large upright grey stone obelisk on a tiered base. In memory of / Margaret Lyall, / wife of J. J. GREENSHIELDS, / Merchant Singapore, / born at Balwyllo, Forfarshire, / 24th May 1837, / died at Liverpool, / 24th Dec. 1863. / Interred in the Necropolis. // Also / John James GREENSHIELDS, / born 7th April 1825, / died at Liverpool, / 29th October 1873. / Interred in the Necropolis. / John GREENSHIELDS, / son of the above, / born 6th Sep. 1862, died 10th July 1912. / Buried here below. // Also / Robert Scott GREENSHIELDS / Indian Civil Service, / son of / John James GREENSHIELDS, / born 31st July 1858, / died 19th September 1935.
Three white stone tiers with a cross. In memoriam / Hannah YATES, / born 16th February 185(4), / died 12th July 1915. / *If Thou be with me when my labours close / no more is needed to complete my rest.* / Lieut. Irving GLEDSDALE, 3rd Cheshire Regt / 2nd Lieut Arnold GLEDSDALE, L;pool Scots. / dearly loved sons of J. I. & M. GLEDSDALE, / who fell in action in France 13th & 31st July 1917. / *They loved the sun but did not scorn the shadow, / remember that!*
V 2 SCOTT. (G.F.12)
Large upright thin sand-stone Celtic cross on a tiered base. In / loving memory of / Captain David SCOTT, / who departed this life 11th May 1908, / in his 78th year. / *Passed into the light of God;s own love.* / *To the beloved memory* / Also of / Eleanor Burgess SCOTT, / his wife / who died 25th March 1921, / in her 86th year. // Also / Edith Hope / SCOTT, / daughter, / born June 22nd 1861, / died Dec. 8th 1936. // Also / Lilian / SCOTT, / daughter, / born Sept. 28th 1869, / died Jan. 10th 1954.
V 1 SHUTE. (G.F.13)
Large upright square white stone column on a tiered base. In / loving memory / of / Thomas SHUTE, / born 19th February 1835, / died 25th November 1908.
T 15 LLOYD. (G.F.42)
Large upright grey marble, curved top. In loving memory of / Thomas(Jones(LLOYD / born(March 29(1829 : died( April 13 1901 / *His servants shall serve Him: / and they shall see His face* Rev.22.3. / Also of his wife / Elizabeth( Jones(LLOYD / born(September 28(1846: died(October 1(1928
T 14 ROBERTS. (G.F.41)
Large upright sand-stone, round top. Er gof am / Robert, / a fu farw Hydref 18. 1864, / yn 7 mis oed. / Hefyd Anne Jane, / a fu farw Mehefin 2. 1867, yn 10 mlwydd oed. / Hefyd Thomas John, / a fu farw Mehefin 4. 1867, yn 10 mis oed. / Hefyd Thomas John, / fu foddi ym mhorthladd Freemantle, Mai 8. 1893, / yn 23 mlwydd oed. / Hefyd David ROBERTS, / 231 Smithdown Lane, / tad yr uchod, a fu farw Medi 16. 1900, / yn 68 mlwydd oed. / Hefyd Anne, ei briod, / a fu farw Rhagfyr 19. 1907, / yn 77 mlwydd oed. / Hefyd Banjamin E. ROBERTS, / a fu farw Ebrill 21. 1912, / yn 39 mlwydd oed. / Hefyd David ROBERTS, / a fu farw Tachwedd 18. 1922, / yn 62 mlwydd oed. / Hefyd Alice Elizabeth ROBERTS, / a fu farw Ionawr 23. 1931, / yn 72 mlwydd oed.
T 13 NUTTALL. (G.F.40)
Large grey stone, pointed top, square shoulders, lying flat on its face.
(James Kirkman NUTTALL 60 years interred 5 May 1900.)
T 11/12 SMITH, AGNEW. (G.F.38 & 39)
Two grey marble tiers, one large, missing top. Sacred / to the memory of / Elisha SMITH / son of John SMITH and Esther Merry, / who was born at Little Eaton / in Derbyshire the 21st of April 1833. / He married Annie daughter of / John Thomson AGNEW of New York. / She died the 18th of March 1887 / in New York, and was buried there. / He was for many years a Merchant / in this place where he died / the 14th of May 1899. / *I have fought a good fight, I have finished / my course, I have kept the faith.*
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