BB 9 SIM. (C.K.197)

Large sand-stone, arched top, lying flat on its back. In loving memory / of / William Hy / the beloved husband of / Ann J. SIM, / who died 6th April 1915, aged 64 years. / *Until the day break, and the / shadows flee away.* / Also William Isaac, / son of the above, / who died 17th May 1882, aged 9 months. / *Safe in the arms of Jesus.* / Also Ann Jane, / beloved wife of the above, / William H. SIM, / who died 29th Feb. 1932, aged 82 years. / *Peace perfect peace.*

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BB Gaps x 2.

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Large sand-stone, arched top, lying flat on its back and a plaque. In loving memory of / my dear husband / Ferdinand SAUER, / who died 24th December 1902, / aged 67 years. / *In life respected, in death lamented.* / Also Alexander SAUER, / Sapper S.African Contingent, / and grandson of the above, / died at Aylesbury Military Hospital / 17th Oct. 1918, aged 25 years. / Also Rosalia SAUER, / wife of the above / who died 28th April 1925, / aged 88 years. / In loving memory of / Caroline M. CAYLEY, / who died 20th July 1929, / aged 84 years. / Sister of the above / Rosalia SAUER.
Plaque/scroll: In loving memory of / my dear husband / Alexander SAUER, / late of Johannesburg, / S.A.

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BB Gap x 1.

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Small upright mottled grey stone, straight top, lower stepped square shoulders. In loving memory of / Sarah Ann MERCER, / died 6th April 1897, aged 51 years. / John Brighton MERCER, / husband of the above, / died 12th March 1919, aged 77 years. / Alicia ASTON, our dear mother and daughter of the above / died 13th February 1947, aged 77
years. / Nanny, her daughter, / died 13th April 1902, aged 3 years. / Alicia Jean ASTON / sister of the above / died 10th October 1990, aged 85 years.

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BB Gap x 1.

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BB 2 KENNEDY. (C.K.190)

Large grey marble, arched top, lying flat on its back. In / memory of / our / beloved mother / Mary KENNEDY, / who died 19th August 1896, / aged 61 years.

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BB Gap x 1.

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AA Gaps x 5.

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AA 15 SHAW, JONES. (C.K.226)

Large upright sand-stone, arched top. In loving memory / of / Moses Robert SHAW, / the beloved husband of / Isabel SHAW, / who died 30th December 1915, / aged 56 years. / *To memory ever dear.* / Also in sweet remembrance of / Sec. Lieut. Charles Salisbury SHAW, 1/7 K.L.R. / the dearly loved son of / Isabel and the above Moses R. SHAW, / who died of wounds in France / 30th December 1918, aged 22 years. / He was one of the noble thousands, / who answered the country;s call, / in years he was young, in strength he was strong, / and he gave his life for us all. / *Till we meet.* / Also Gertie, daughter of the above Robert SHAW, / who died 22nd September 1921, aged 31 years. / *In fondest love we still hold near, / and cherish, many a memory dear. / Also Robert / beloved husband of Isabella JONES,
/ who died 3rd November 1926, aged 72 years. / *A silent string of memory;s harp is sadly touched today.* / Also of our dear mother Isabella JONES, / who died 17th January 1933, aged 72 years. / *At rest.*

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