M 23 HILL. (C.K.428)

Large upright sand-stone, round top. In loving memory / of / Henry Fletcher HILL, / the beloved husband of Clara HILL, / and son of John and Ann Harriet HILL, / who died 11th November 1889, / aged 53 years. / *An upright man, one that feareth God.* / Also of Joseph, / the eldest and dearly loved son of the above / Henry Fletcher and Clara HILL, / who died 24th October 1894, / aged 21 years. / *The flower fadeth.* / Also of Clara, / the beloved wife of the above / Henry Fletcher HILL, / who died 2nd April 1911, / aged 68 years. / *Be strong and of a good courage.*

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M 22 HILL. (C.K.427)

Large upright sand-stone, round top, propped up. In loving memory / of / John Fletcher, / son of / Henry Fletcher and Clara HILL, / died 23. Jany 1881, / aged 1 year and 9 months. / *Jesus called a little child unto him.* / And of Ann Harriet, / for 53 years the loving wife of / John HILL, / died 10. June 1886, aged 79 years. / *Her children arise up, and call her blessed.* / Also of John HILL, / who died 21. August 1886, / aged 78 years. / *I shall be satisfied, when / I awake, with thy likeness.* / Also of Henry Capell HILL, / second and beloved son of the above / Henry Fletcher and Clara HILL, / who died 22nd May 1906, / aged 31 years. / *To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.* / Also of Thomas Capell HILL, / the beloved husband of Florence HILL, / third and dearly loved son of the above / who died 25th January 1912, aged 35 years. / *We have loved, …???…

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M 21 ALLEN. (C.K.426)

Large upright grey marble, straight top, lower rounded shoulders, re-sited. In memoriam / Mary Ellen, / wife of / Joseph Moore ALLEN, / died 11. Sept. 1880, / aged 57 years. / Also of the above, / Joseph Moore ALLEN, / died 18. March 1896, / aged 79. / Also of Mildred ALLEN, / elder daughter of the above, / who died 23. December 1897, / interred in the Peebles Cemetery. / Also of Arthur Brotherton ALLEN, / only son of above, / born June 25th 1850, died April 6th 1902.

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M 20 LINDSAY. (C.K.425)

Large upright grey marble, low pointed top. In / loving remembrance / of / William George LINDSAY, / who died 29th May 1877, / aged 42 years. / *Thy will, not mine be done.* / Also of his two sons / Hugh Donaldson LINDSAY, / and Richard LINDSAY, / who died in their infancy, / and were interred at the Necropolis. / Also Annie, (Cissie) / youngest daughter of the above / William George LINDSAY, / who died 4th January 1897, / in her 25th year. / *Sleep on beloved and take thy rest, / lay down thy head upon thy Saviour;s breast, / we loved thee well but Jesus loved thee best.* / Also / Annie Graham LINDSAY, / widow of the above, / who died 11th February 1914, / in her 80th year.

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M Gap x 1.

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M 18 McKEE. (C.K.423)

Large upright sand-stone, arched top. Sacred / to / the memory of / Susan, / wife of William McKEE, / Surgeon, / who died February 26th 1864. / The Lord is my Shepherd I shall / not want. / He maketh me to lie down in green / pastures: he leadeth me beside / the still waters. / Also of the above William McKEE, / who died December 22nd 1865, / aged 72 years. / I will ransom them from the power of / the grave, I will redeem them from death. / Also of / Hannah Jane Grey, / daughter of the above / who died 14th January 1893, / aged 71 years. / *Blessed are the pure in heart.*

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M 17 HART. (C.K.422)

Large upright grey marble, low pointed mantle top. Sacred to the memory / of / Charles HART, / who died Nov. 21st 1863, / aged 58 years. / Also of Mary Ann HART, / wife of the above, / who died 1st January 1881, / aged 76 years. / Also of Constance HART, / fourth daughter of the above, / died 20th January 1888.

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M Gap x 1.

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Large upright sand-stone, small round top, lowered curved shoulders. In memory / of / Sarah, / relict of John Thomas ORRIDGE, / of Carlisle, / who died June 28th 1861, / aged 55 years. / Also of / Arthur Edward Pinckney SIMPSON / grandson of the above, / who died 12th November 1868, / aged 3 years.

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M 14 BROOKS. (C.K.419)

Large upright sand-stone obelisk on a tiered base. In memory of / Selina BROOKS, / who died September 29th 1861. / Betty BROOKS, / died 18th Jany 1872, / aged 84 years. / John BROOKS, / died 22nd April 1875, / aged 64. // In loving remembrance of / William BROOKS, / who died 25th December 1885, / aged 73 years. / *Thy will be done.* / A light is from our household gone, / a voice we loved is stilled, / a place is vacant at our hearth, / which never can be filled.

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