Large grey marble, round top, lying flat on its back. In loving memory / of / James HADDOCK, / who died 17th October 1889, / aged 62 years. / Also of his wife / Jane HADDOCK, / who died 14th May 1895, / aged 66 years. / And of their younger son / Lorents Braun HADDOCK, / died 21st August 1903, / aged 38. / Also of their eldest son / George Bahr HADDOCK, / who died 22nd March 1930, / aged 66 years. / Also of their only daughter / Eleanor RATHBONE, / widow of Arnold Richard RATHBONE, / who died 18th May 1937, / aged 71 years. /

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L 8 GARNER, RAE. (C.K.1051)

Large upright square sand-stone obelisk on a tiered base. In memory of / James GARNER, / died July 18th 1861, / aged 47 years. / Also George, son of the above / who died June 10th 1871, / aged 30 years. / Also / Margaret, / wife of
the above James GARNER, / who died March 14th 1899, / in her 74th year. // Also / William Baird, / son of William and Maria RAE, / & grandson of James GARNER, / died 7th April 1876, / aged 3 weeks.

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L 7 FISHWICK. (C.K.1050)

Large upright square grey marble, on a tiered base, surmounted by a draped urn. In / affectionate remembrance / of / John FISHWICK, / who died July the 20th 1872, / aged 57 years. / Dearly beloved and sincerely lamented. / Also of / Mary Elizabeth, / wife of the above, / John FISHWICK, / who died 1st March 1897, aged 73 years. / *Her end was peace.*

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L 5/6 MUNDEE, HAND. (C.K.1048 & 1049)

Large upright sand-stone obelisk on a tiered base. In memory of / dear Emily, / infant daughter of / William Francis & Mary MUNDEE, / she died April 19th 1862. / Also / in loving memory / of / Mary Viola, / beloved younger daughter of the above, / who died 21st June 1874, / aged 17 years and 10 months. / *Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord.* / Also of William Frank, / the dear younger son of the above, / who died 21st October 1881, / aged 23 years. // In memory of / Dorothy HAND, / who died 3rd 1878, / aged 84 years.

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L Gap x 2.

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L 2 HOWE. (C.K.1045)

Large upright square grey marble column on a tiered base, surmounted by a draped urn. In / affectionate remembrance / of / James HOWE, / of Toxteth Park, / who departed this life / August the 1st 1858, / aged 55 years. / A tender parent, and a husband dear. / Just in his actions, and in heart sincere. / Worn out with pain, his debt to nature paid, / and dead in Christ, beneath this tomb is laid. / Also Jane, / widow of the above, / who died 7. January 1883. // In / affectionate remembrance / of / James Calton, aged 16 years. / And William, aged 14 years. / Sons of the before named / James HOWE, / who were drowned whilst / skating February 13th 1861. / Heaven;s hidden ways to trace for us how vain / heaven;s wise decree, how impious to arraign. / Pure from the strain of a polluted age. / In early bloom of life, they left the stage / not doom;d in lingering woe to waste their breath / a few brief moments seal;d their fate in death / they lived united, and united died. / Happy the friends whom death can not divide.

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L Gap x 1.

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Large upright square sand-stone column on a tiered base, surmounted by a draped urn. In / affectionate remembrance of / Alexander, / youngest son of / James and Elizabeth CUMMING, / who died October 19th 1856, / aged 21 years. / Thanks be to God, which giveth us the / victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. / And of / James CUMMING, his beloved father / who died January 27th 1857, / aged 67 years. / In thy presence is fulness of joy, at thy / right hand there are pleasures for / evermore. / And of / Edward Barnett, second son of / James and Elizabeth CUMMING, / who died March 25th 1866, / aged 36 years. // And of / James, / eldest son of the before named / James and Elizabeth CUMMING, / who died at Melbourne, Australia, / May 16th 1858, aged 30 years. / And of / Mary, / their second daughter / who died April 19th 1859, aged 34 years. / And of / Mary Wittewronge, / eldest daughter of Edward BARNETT, / of Kirkby Stephen, Westmoreland, / who died April 9th 1859, / aged 64 years. / I will ransom them from / the power of the grave. // And of / Elizabeth, / wife of James CUMMING, / who died November 3rd 1873, / aged 75. / Them also which sleep in Jesus / will God bring with him.

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K 28/29 TWINAME. (C.K.1040 & 1041)

Large upright square grey marble column on a tiered base, surmounted by an urn. In memory / of / George Gordon TWINAME, / only and beloved son / of / John and Elizabeth TWINAME, / who died December 27th 1857, / aged 11 years. // *The Lord is my keeper.* / Psalm CXXI. 5.

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K 26/27 CALLAN, HARDMAN. (C.K.1038 & 1039)

White stone cross on a single large rough-caste tier. Margaret Elizabeth CALLAN, / born July 8th 1844, / died September 25th 1863. / *She is not dead but sleepeth.* // Thomas CALLAN, / entered into rest / 22. April 1889, / aged 89 years. / Isabella, / wife of Thomas CALLAN, / died 25th Oct. 1890, / aged 81 years. // Robert HARDMAN, / died 21. October 1895, / aged 57 years. / *Lord thou knowest.* / Also of Isabella / his wife, / died 16. November 1932, / aged 84 years. // In dear memory of / Kenric HARDMAN, Capt. H.L.I. / killed in action in Mesopotamia, Oct. 26th 1918, / aged 38 years.

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