Three sand-stone tiers with a cross. F. A. Ramsbottom ISHERWOOD, / died 18. Decr 1892, aged 39.
J 9 LEA. (C.K.978)
Three white stone tiers, one large, broken cross lying nearby. In loving / remembrance of / Charlotte Elizabeth / wife of / William LEA, / died February 3rd 1882, / aged 23 years. / *She is not dead but sleepeth.* / Also / Lilian, / daughter of the above / died March 30th 1889, / aged 10 years. / Also / Helen, / second wife of Wm LEA, / died June 24th 1889, aged 34 years. // Also / in loving memory / of / William LEA, / died / February 21st 1923, / aged 77 years.
J 8 FIDLER. (C.K.977)
Large grey marble, angled shoulders surmounted by a cross, lying flat on its back. In / loving memory of / William, / only son of Edward FIDLER, / who died 13th January 1885, / aged 29 years. / Also dear Annie, younger daughter, / who died 14th July 1886. / Also the above Edward FIDLER, / who died 11th Oct. 1902, aged 71 years. / And his wife Jane, / who died 20. Feb. 1906. / A loving wife and mother, and a true friend. / *Them also which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him.*
J 5 BLYTHE. (C.K.974)
Three white stone tiers with a cross, top two and cross lying flat on their backs. *Rest eternal, grant to her O Lord, / and let light perpetual shine upon her.* // Ellen, / the beloved wife of / Walter BLYTHE, / died 21. September 1896, aged 58 years. // Walter BLYTHE, / born 25th March 1832, / died 7th December 1904. / R.I.P. // Ellen, / daughter of / Walter and Ellen BLYTHE, / died 7th April 1927, aged 65 years. / R.I.P.
Four sand-stone tiers with a cross. In loving remembrance of / Mary Elizabeth HARVEY, / born 22nd October 1835, / died 2nd November 1879. / *Sleeping in Jesus, waiting the resurrection morn.* // In loving memory of / Elizabeth MARSDEN, / died 8th January 1930, aged 86 years. // In loving memory of / Hannah CHAPMAN, / died 11th Dec. 1911, / aged 72 years. // In loving memory of / Emma MARSDEN, / died 28th January 1927, / aged 80 years.
J 3 BAIRD. (C.K.972)
Large upright sand-stone, pointed top. In / loving memory of / Adam BAIRD, / who departed this life 8th October 1878, / in his 71st year.
J 2 ROBSON. (C.K.971)
Large sand-stone, pointed top, lying flat on its back. In / loving memory of / Hazelton Robert, / son of / John and Julia E. ROBSON, / born 20th Feby 1881, / died 23rd May 1882. / Also the above John ROBSON, / who died 5th February 1891, / aged 63 years.
Large upright sand-stone, ornate arched top with a finial. Sacred / to the memory / of / Mary Ann WARDELL, / who departed this life July 29th 1858, / aged 35 years. / *In the midst of life we are in death.* / Also / sacred to the memory of / James Goddard WARDELL, / husband of the above / who departed this life the 31st July 1875, / aged 60. / *His end was peace.* / Also Conrad G. W. POSTLETHWAITE, / (grandson of the above) buried in London, / born 7th July 1874, died 25th Decr 1874.
I 40 KELLEY. (C.K.969)
Small upright grey marble, straight top, lower rounded shoulders. Cherished memories / of / Louisa KELLEY, / died 15th Nov. 1971 aged 61 years. / A loving wife and mother / Charles Richard KELLEY / husband of the above / died 3rd Dec. 1983 aged 78 years. / Rest in peace
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