Large upright sand-stone, small round top, lowered curved shoulders. In fond remembrance / of / Louis SIMPSON, / born 20th Sept. 1874, / died 25th Sept. 1877. / Also Dugald Cumming SIMPSON, / born 7th Sept. 1832, / died 13th May 1885. / Also of Julianna, wife of the above / Dugald Cumming SIMPSON, / born 5th April 1842, / died 26th Sept. 1896.
I 37/38 HAW. (C.K.966 & 967)
Large upright grey marble cross on a large tiered base. To the / cherished memory / of / George Ashbrook, / eldest and dearly beloved / son of Samuel and Alice HAW, / born 11th April 1867, / died 9th October 1876. / *He now is sweetly sleeping, / his spirit rest with Thee.* // In / loving memory / of / Samuel HAW, / born 2nd December 1838, / died 9th June 1903. / *To be with Christ, which is far better.* // In / loving memory / of / Alice HAW, / born 30th January 1839, / died 13th February 1923. / *In Thy presence is fulness of joy.* / Peter HAW, / born 8th January 1841, died 30th July 1896. / Alfred Deighton HAW, / born 27th June 1858, died 16th February 1899.
I 36 HAW. (C.K.965)
Large grey marble, lying broken and flat on its back. In / affectionate remembrance of / Charlotte, / the beloved wife of Thomas HAW, / who died 12th April 1881, / aged 67 years. / Also Mary, daughter of the above, / who died 14th August 1848, / aged 5 years. / Interred in St James;s Cemetery. / Also Jane, their daughter, / who died 1st May 1885, / aged 36 years. / Also the above Thomas HAW, / who died 3rd April 1891, / aged 78 years. / Also Dorothy, grand-daugher of the above / who died 2nd July 1895, / aged 2 years and 10 months. / Also Nellie, / who died 23rd September 1898, aged 2 years. / And Thomas Stanley, / who died 28th November 1901, aged 6 years. // Thomas HAW, / born 18th July 1846, died 25th April 1905.
I 33 NICHOLLS. (C.K.963)
Large upright sand-stone, small round top, lowered curved shoulders. In loving memory / of / Emily, / wife of Frederick NICHOLLS, / who died 4th July 1885, / aged 53 years. / *Her end was peace.*
I 31/32 NEVINS. (C.K.961 & 962)
Large upright circular grey marble column on a tiered base surmounted by an urn. In / loving memory of / Charles, / born 22nd June 1850, aged 2 months. / Charles Frederick, / born 20th April 1858, aged 13 years. / James, / born 22nd July 1851, aged 22 years. / Robert Richardson, / born 22nd May 1854, died in Bombay, aged 19 years. / Children of James and Susannah NEVINS. / Also the above James NEVINS, / born 18th July 1821, died 15th December 1893. / Susannah NEVINS, / born 26th October 1823, died 8th April 1909. / Also / Jane Wright NEVINS, / daughter of the above James and Susannah NEVINS, / born 6th December 1852, died 20th August 1941.
I 30 BULLOCH. (C.K.960)
White stone cross on a large tiered base, In loving memory of / Henry Dunwoody BULLOCH, / who fell asleep February 21st 1871, / aged 10 years. / Also of / James Dunwoody BULLOCH Junr, / who entered into rest / August 31st 1888, aged 30 years. / Harriott Cross, / wife of James D. BULLOCH, / and mother of the above, July 3. 1897. / *With Christ.* / *Them which sleep in Jesus / will God also bring with Him.* // Commander James Dunwoody BULLOCH, / a little known officer of the U.S. Navy / he rose to fame when, at the outbreak / of war between the States (1861-1865) / he resigned and accepted service in / the Conferedate States of America. / He was appointed Envoy to England by Jefferson Davis President of the Confed- / erate States of America and authorized / to obtain aid in building a navy for the / CSA. Working in Liverpool and many / other cities and major ports. BULLOCH / gave monumental service to the / Confederacy in this delicate assignment. // Strong ties of common ancestry / existed between the Confederate / States and the mother country, England. / Warm ties of friendship developed / between BULLOCH and the English people. / At the end of the war he chose to / remain in Liverpool. / This inscription is dedicated with warm- / -est appreciation and highest admirat- / -ion to our mutual countryman. The United Daughters of the Confederacy / U.S.A. 1968. // Also / James Dunwoody BULLOCH, / entered into rest January 7th 1901, / aged 77 years. / Also of / Martha Louise BULLOCH, / younger daughter of the above / who / entered into rest March 7th 1947. // American by birth / Englishman by choice
I 28 SEARS, BULLOCH. (C.K.958)
Four white stone tiers with a cross. In loving memory of / Henry Beaufort SEARS, / who died 12th Feby 1880, / aged 55 years. // Also / Irvine Stephens BULLOCH / who entered into rest 14th July 1898, / aged 56 years. / Also Ella Clitz, / widow of the above and daughter of / Henry Beaufort SEARS, / died 20th April 1911, aged 61years. // Also / Harriet Louisa, / widow of Henry Beaufort SEARS, / who died 15th January 1909, aged 77 years. / *In Christ shall all be made alive.* / Also Harrier Leila, / daughter of the above, / died 10th January 1912, aged 60 years.
Large upright sand-stone, angled shoulders surmounted by circled cross. Emily SCHIRMACHER, / died July 30. 1877. / Begotten again to an inheritance / that fadeth not away. 1 Peter 3.4.
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