Small upright white stone, straight top, lower square shoulders. In / loving memory of / John BAKER, / dear husband of Elizabeth / & a devoted father / died 3rd Dec. 1971, aged 70. / Elizabeth Ann / his dear wife / died 5th March 1982, aged 76.
Small upright white stone, straight top, square shoulders and flower pot with a metal plaque. In / cherished / memory of / a dearly loved / husband and dad / James BENNETT / fell asleep 13th Jan. 1972 / aged 72 years. / Resting where no shadows fall / also Matilda / dearest wife of James / our beloved mam / reunited with dad / 15th Oct. 1978 aged 77 years. Plaque: Mavis NEWTON / 31-5-96 aged 39 / at rest with / baby Danielle / sweet dreams
D 29 SHAW. (C.K.757)
Large sand-stone, arched top, lying flat on its back. Here rests the body of / Amy, the wife of Albert SHAW, / who passed away 30th July 1916, / aged 51 years. / Waiting for the glorious resurrection. / Also of the above / Albert SHAW, who passed away 16th October 1932, / aged 90 years.
Large grey marble, pointed top, square shoulders, lying flat on its back. William CUTHBERTSON, / died 13th January 1914, / aged 80 years. / *Resting in peace, / in the hope of a joyful resurrection.*
D 27 JONES, LINDLEY. (C.K.759)
Large upright sand-stone, arched top. Sacred to the memory of / Alfred JONES, who died 22nd July 1913, / aged 74 years. / Also of / Alfred Cotton JONES, / (only son of the above) / Captain in the 8th Lincolnshire Regiment, / killed in action in France 2nd July 1916, / in his 32nd year. / Also of / Mary Elizabeth, / wife of Alfred JONES, / who died 14th August 1934, / aged 84 years. / James William, / the beloved husband of Hannah LINDLEY, / who fell asleep October 20th 1918, aged 48 years. / Also of Hannah, / (beloved wife of the above) / who fell asleep 10th July 1924. / Aged 54 years. / *The dead in Christ shall rise first.*
D 26 BAKER. (C.K.760)
Large grey marble, round top, lying flat on its back. In loving memory / of / John BAKER, / who entered into rest / December 3rd 1906, aged 64. / *The morning breaks, the night is almost past.* / Also of Priscilla BAKER, / sister of the above, / who fell asleep July 18th 1917, / aged 78. / *Make them numbered with / Thy saints in glory everlasting.* / Also Mary Charlotte BAKER, / beloved wife of John BAKER, / fell alseep March 18th 1947. / *Waiting for the resurrection.*
D 25 KITCHEN. (C.K.761)
Large sand-stone, arched top, lying flat on its back. In / loving memory / of / Elizabeth KITCHEN, / who entered into rest / 1st Aug. 1907, aged 76 years. / Jabez William KITCHEN, / husband of the above / who fell asleep 14th Jan. 1909, / in his 78th year. / *Waiting a joyful resurrection.* / Florence Maud, / their only daughter, / died 25th Oct. 1935, aged 69 years. / *At rest.* / Also / children of the above interred at Leeds / Campbell Pearson, / died 16th Oct. 1858, aged 1 year. / Walley Blackburn, / died 4th Oct. 1860, in his 5th year. / Arthur Wilson, / died 26th March 1866, aged 13 months. / William Henry, / died 23rd Aug. 1866, in his 13th year. / Frederick, / died 6th Jan. 1868, in his 8th year.
D 24 HOWARTH. (C.K.762)
Large upright sand-stone, curved top, small lower raised rounded shoulders. Hannah HOWARTH, / who fell asleep 20th March 1904, / aged 70 years. / *We look for the Saviour.* / Also Jabez HOWARTH, / husband of the above, / who died 3rd October 1919, aged 88 years.
D 23 RICHMOND. (C.K.763)
Three white stone tiers, missing cross. In memoriam / Henry Sylvester RICHMOND, / born March 27. 1843. / Died March 29. 1908. / Requiescat in pace.
D 22 DODD. (C.K.764)
Medium white stone, curved top, square shoulders, lying flat on its back. In / loving memory / of / Rebecca Mary DODD, / who was taken to her rest / March 17th 1925, / aged 92 years. / *Her end was peace and good-will* / Also of her brother / Joseph James DODD, / who was taken to his rest / December 27th 1930, / aged 98 years. / *I shall be satisfied when I awake / with Thy likeness.*
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